IMF: How Asia can navigate the long-term economic impact of COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many existing long-term issues in Asia, but a new IMF paper explores how the region can navigate these challenges.
Chang Yong Rhee is the Director of the IMF's Asia and Pacific Department. Prior to joining the IMF, Dr. Rhee was chief economist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB). He was the chief spokesperson for ADB on economic and development trends, and oversaw the Economics and Research Department. Dr. Rhee was the secretary-general of the G20 summit’s Presidential Committee in the Republic of Korea. Prior to his appointment at the FSC, Dr. Rhee was a Professor of Economics at Seoul National University and Assistant Professor at University of Rochester. He was also a frequent and active policy advisor to the Government of Korea, including in the Office of the President, the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the Bank of Korea, the Korea Securities Depository, and the Korea Development Institute. His key research interests include macroeconomics, financial economics, and the Korean economy. He has published many papers in these fields. Dr. Rhee obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from Harvard University, and his Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Seoul National University.
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated many existing long-term issues in Asia, but a new IMF paper explores how the region can navigate these challenges.
Se espera que el crecimiento de Asia se contraiga en un 1,6%, algo que pocos predijeron. Pero las respuestas políticas correctas, dice el FMI, pueden ayudar a impulsar la recuperación.
Asia's growth is expected to contract by 1.6% - something few predicted. But the right policy responses, says the IMF, can help boost recovery.
Le FMI s'attend à ce que la croissance en Asie stagne à zéro pour cent en 2020 - la pire performance en 60 ans. Chang Yong Rhee, directeur du département Asie et Pacifique du FMI, présent...
The IMF expects growth in Asia to stall at zero percent in 2020 - the worst performance in 60 years. Chang Yong Rhee, Director of the IMF’s Asia and Pacific Department, outlines policy me...
As Asia's digital presence grows at an exponential rate, policy-makers must create new opportunities for those wishing to connect.