These are the countries where children are most satisfied with their lives
From relationships to body image, a happy childhood is influenced by multiple factors.
From relationships to body image, a happy childhood is influenced by multiple factors.
週平均労働時間が34.2時間と、既にヨーロッパで最も短いドイツで、さらなる短縮を求める声が高まっています。 ドイツ最大の労働組合であるIGメタルは、自動車産業における失業を食い止めるため、週4日労働制を提案しています。新型コロナウイルスがもたらした困難は、この分野の既存の構造変化による経済的ダメージをさらに悪化させています。
Machine learning studied more than 11,000 couples and found the factors linked to the relationship itself are more relevant that the people themselves.
These infographics from UNESCO aim to educate people on how to identify and debunk false information, which can otherwise spread rapidly and cause real harm.
El mayor sindicato de Alemania, IG Metall, propone a sus miembros que pidan una semana laboral de cuatro días para compensar la presión económica de los cambios en el mercado, intensifica...
Germany’s largest trade union, IG Metall, is proposing its members call for a four-day week to offset economic pressure from market shifts, heightened by the pandemic.
COVID-19 has created an unusually stressful environment for a large number of people. The World Health Organization has created an illustrated guide to managing stress, including audio ex...
The Director-General calls for ongoing vigilance and preventative measures as the virus continues to accelerate.
Cada país registra las muertes de manera ligeramente diferente, por lo que la medida del exceso de mortalidad suaviza algunas de estas discrepancias y nos ayuda a comparar los países con ...
Each country records deaths slightly differently, so the excess mortality measure smoothes out some of these discrepancies and helps us compare countries more accurately.
An analysis of games across four top leagues found comments about players with darker skin tones were more likely to focus on physical characteristics or athletic abilities.
With Nelson Mandela International Day on 18 July, here are some of his best quotes on important issues that people still face all over the world.
Air pollution in China dropped dramatically during lockdown, but now signs suggest a significant rebound in activity.
No está claro el número de personas con coronavirus que no muestran síntomas, pero muchos podrían ser infecciosos sin saberlo.
The number of people with coronavirus who display no symptoms is unclear - but many could be infectious without knowing it.