3 challenges in creating a coronavirus vaccine – and how they are being overcome
Developing a COVID-19 vaccine is only part of the battle; manufacturing and distribution at such scale will require unprecedented global cooperation.
Developing a COVID-19 vaccine is only part of the battle; manufacturing and distribution at such scale will require unprecedented global cooperation.
Las medidas adoptadas para recuperar el fútbol y el béisbol nos dan una idea de cómo podría ser el deporte en una era de bloqueo post-coronavirus.
Measures put in place to bring back soccer and baseball give us a taste of what sport might look like in a post-coronavirus lockdown era.
As millions of people across the globe self-isolate to reduce the spread of COVID-19, life does continue... From marriage proposals to remote baking, these images capture the new normal.
The coronavirus pandemic has put on hold many key moments in the fundraising calendar, but this hasn’t stopped some raising massive amounts for charities, while still observing self-isola...
Des danseuses de ballet dans les rues désertes aux découpages de papier des clients dans les cafés, ces images montrent comment COVID-19 affecte le monde.
Desde bailarines de ballet en calles desiertas hasta recortes de papel de clientes en cafeterías, estas imágenes muestran cómo COVID-19 está afectando al globo.
From ballet dancers in deserted streets to paper cut-outs of customers in cafés, these pictures show how COVID-19 is affecting the globe.
阿尔贝·加缪(Albert Camus)著名的经典小说《鼠疫》(La Peste)写于70多年前,但到今天依旧掷地有声。 该书讲述了鼠疫在一个北非城市蔓延,以及人类对死亡的反应。自从新冠病毒爆发以来,该书的销售量出现了大幅增长。
全世界估计有2.72亿国际移民。 尽管他们仅占世界人口的3.5%,但已经超过了某些报告中对于2050年所做出的预测数据。自1970年以来,生活在出生地以外国家的人口数量增加了两倍。
From how animal diseases spread to humans to the psychological impacts of pandemics, here are five books that help put COVID-19 in context.
The US movie industry still gets all the limelight – but there are buzzing production hubs around the globe.
Supermarkets are under pressure to eliminate single-use plastic, but a new report finds consumer confusion about alternatives – and even asks if they are creating more problems.
Climate change has shown permafrost is perhaps not so permanent after all – and as it begins to melt, it's reshaping the Arctic.
Books by the world's most original writers were picked by UNESCO's Cities of Literature to align to the UN’s blueprint for a better future. These fiction and non-fiction works help reader...