パンデミック(世界的大流行)により、テクノロジーにアクセスできる人とそうでない人の差が浮き彫りとなりました。「デジタル・ディバイド(情報格差)」と呼ばれるこのようなアクセスの格差は、世界中の学校が閉鎖を余儀なくされる中、遠隔教育において特に深刻な影響をもたらしています。 パンデミック(世界的大流行)により、テクノロジーにアクセスできる人とそうでない人の差が浮き彫りとなり...
パンデミック(世界的大流行)により、テクノロジーにアクセスできる人とそうでない人の差が浮き彫りとなりました。「デジタル・ディバイド(情報格差)」と呼ばれるこのようなアクセスの格差は、世界中の学校が閉鎖を余儀なくされる中、遠隔教育において特に深刻な影響をもたらしています。 パンデミック(世界的大流行)により、テクノロジーにアクセスできる人とそうでない人の差が浮き彫りとなり...
These three start-ups are using low-cost and readily accessible technology to bring education to the world’s underserved students.
A reef of shellfish could help New York City square up to the threat of storms and floods linked to climate change.
A free-tree scheme in the Netherlands is proving to be a sustainable success
Dogs, cats and other animals provided crucial companionship during lockdowns, with many people looking to adopt new pets.
Our global food production and distribution system is wasteful, unequal and unsustainable. Industry experts explain the problem and some of the solutions.
Beyond the immediate and visible damage caused to sea life, oil spills continue to affect marine life and the environment for years. Here’s what you need to know.
In La Mojana, local wetlands are being restored through a series of community initiatives.
Quality journalism has been key in tackling misinformation about COVID-19. Journalists from around the world explain what it’s been like covering the pandemic.
Cigarette butts are the most common and problematic types of litter for marine environments. Could an AI-powered robot litter picker be the solution?
Lack of internet access is affecting vaccine uptake among older and vulnerable populations. What steps should governments take to improve digital access?
Air pollution in Europe is decreasing. Here's a look at some statistics about Europe's air pollution map.
Demand for MBAs has grown as the job market falters in the COVID-19 pandemic. European schools lead the rankings of providers, but US schools dominate overall.