The world's poorest people are owed $5.7 trillion, says Oxfam
If developed nations had given the international aid they pledged in 1970, poorer countries would look very different.
Chema Vera is interim Executive Director of Oxfam International
If developed nations had given the international aid they pledged in 1970, poorer countries would look very different.
Pour faire face à cette menace mondiale, nous devons nous tenir aux côtés des pays en développement. Annuler leur dette et les aider à mettre en place des soins de santé complets sont les...
Para hacer frente a esta amenaza mundial, tenemos que estar al lado de los países en desarrollo. Cancelar su deuda y ayudarles a construir una atención sanitaria integral son los primeros...
To tackle this global threat, we need to stand beside developing countries. Cancelling their debt and helping them build comprehensive healthcare are the first steps, says Oxfam.