The social brain: How isolation can affect our brain's structure and cognition
Social isolation is linked to changes in brain structure, cognition and a higher risk of dementia in older adults, a study shows. It can also boost stress.
Social isolation is linked to changes in brain structure, cognition and a higher risk of dementia in older adults, a study shows. It can also boost stress.
Bad sleep affects people’s mood and behaviour. A new study has worked out the ideal amount of sleep adults need for optimal brain functioning and wellbeing.
Cognitive flexibility is the ability to adapt our behaviour to achieve goals in a new environment - and it may have helped us during the COVID-19 pandemic.
As we start a New Year, we have an opportunity to snap out of destructive habits and get our energy levels back. This can be achieved through exercise and eating well, write three experts.
As lockdown and pandemic stress affect our mental health, there are simple ways to train your brain to be more resilient and feel more positive.