データと信頼 - 価値に基づくヘルスケアを実現するためには
Christophe Weber is president, chief executive officer (CEO) and representative director of Takeda. He joined the company in April 2014 as chief operating officer, was named president and representative director in June 2014, and was subsequently appointed CEO in April 2015.
Christophe has focused on ensuring the company’s competitiveness through globalization and R&D transformation - all while creating a diverse and inclusive working environment and strengthening Takeda’s ethical values and corporate governance. Through this transformation, Takeda has become one of the leading global biopharmaceutical companies.
Prior to joining Takeda, Christophe spent 20 years at GlaxoSmithKline where he held senior leadership roles in Europe, Asia and the United States.
Outside of Takeda, Christophe is a member of The US Business Council, the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council, the New York Stock Exchange’s NYSE Board Advisory Council, the MIT CEO Advisory Board and Singapore’s Human Health & Potential International Advisory Committee. He also serves on the Board of Trustees of Northeastern University.
Christophe holds a doctorate in pharmacy and pharmacokinetics, master’s degrees in pharmaceutical marketing and accounting and finance, and a degree in statistics from the University of Lyon, France.
Christophe lives in Tokyo and Boston with his wife, and has two children.
Una asistencia sanitaria basada en el valor es una solución para la sobrecarga de los sistemas sanitarios. Pero el cambio requerirá un mejor manejo de los datos.
Value-based healthcare prioritizing patient outcomes is a solution to current over-burdened health systems – but it means handling data better and more responsibly.
都市化と気候変動は、蚊が媒介する感染症の蔓延を助長しています。 現在、40億人がデング熱の危険にさらされており、今世紀末にはその数は倍増する可能性があります。 蚊媒介感染症を予防し、撲滅するためには、イノベーション、コラボレーション、公平なアクセスの提供が不可欠です。
Global warming is helping mosquitoes to spread mosquito-borne diseases further around the world, collaborative investment is required to solve this issue.