Dr. Chunquan Zhu, Head of Nature Initiatives & TFA, China. WEF Beijing Representative Office.
Most recently Dr. Chunquan Zhu served as the IUCN Country Representative for China. Among his accomplishments are the initiation and development of a new concept of Gross Ecosystem Product (GEP), the pilot testing of the national park and protected area systems in China, and the initiation of FSC certification in the country. Chunquan’s experience will enable him to better support and build the Nature Initiative & TFA community, as well as to develop a Business Coalition for Ecological Civilization in China.
Dr. Chunquan Zhu is a dedicated research scientist and conservationist in China, where he has gained a high profile in the forestry and nature conservation sectors. During the course of his career, he has accumulated a broad range of experience in research, programme management, fundraising, government liaison, policy advocacy, corporate partnerships and institutional development initiatives. Since 2012, he has served as the IUCN Country Representative for China. He was the Conservation Director and Director of Forest Programme of WWF China from 2000 to 2012, a Research Professor of Chinese Academy of Forestry since 1997.
Dr. Chunquan Zhu received his doctor’s degree in ecology from Northeast Forestry University in 1991, and had overseas studies as the FAO research fellow in Canada, Belgium, UK and work experience at WWF US in DC. He was appointed as the guest researcher of National Ecological Key Laboratory of Chinese Academy of Science in 2005. He has worked with an exceptionally diverse range of organizations during his career, including local community groups, research institutions, Chinese government bodies at various levels, international organizations, the media, NGOs, donor agencies and private sector companies.
• 「グローバルな危機」のうち最も注目されるのは、目に見え、緊急性が高く、よく理解されているものです。 • 自然資本の急速な減少は、これらすべてに当てはまるにもかかわらず、グローバルな課題の上位には入っていません。 • グローバルな自然危機の緊急性を高める上で、堅実な自然資本会計と評価が役立つはずです。
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