La saturación turística: un problema global creciente
El turismo mejora la economía en los destinos, pero el exceso de viajeros perjudica a los lugares de acogida y a sus residentes.
Claudio Milano is a social and cultural anthropologist with a background in economics and tourism management. He has been a visiting researcher at the University of Lumiere2 Lyon (France) and Stockholm University (Sweden) and Visiting Lecturer at the Federal University of Piauí (Brazil), the Strathmore University of Nairobi (Kenya) and the University of Colombo (Sri Lanka). He has been working as a consultant to international agencies on human rights, development and tourism projects in India, Peru, Senegal, Chile and Brazil.
El turismo mejora la economía en los destinos, pero el exceso de viajeros perjudica a los lugares de acogida y a sus residentes.
Cities around the world are struggling with the influx of large numbers of tourists.