How to safeguard the internet after the war in Ukraine
With the war in Ukraine, strengthening the multistakeholder internet governance model and supporting a more positive and inclusive digital future is now more crucial than ever.
An attorney and educator with two decades of experience at the intersection of technology, civil rights, law, and policy, Daniel came to the Forum as a Global Leadership Fellow and was one of the founding staff of the Forum's Centre for Cybersecurity. Previously, he practiced law with international firms in San Francisco and Washington, DC in the areas of antitrust, consumer protection, IP, and privacy. He conducts research and publishes in the fields of cybersecurity & resilience, digital trust, election protection, internet rights, and corporate governance.
Daniel holds an MPA from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, a JD from the University of California, Berkeley, School of Law, and a BA from the Johns Hopkins University. He sits on the board of the Cyber Risk Institute and has been recognized by the NACD as one of the most influential leaders in the corporate governance community.
With the war in Ukraine, strengthening the multistakeholder internet governance model and supporting a more positive and inclusive digital future is now more crucial than ever.
New proposed cybersecurity rules will require companies to report cyber breaches and explain how board members are planning to mitigate cyber risk.
Technology has helped many humanitarian organizations to improve their crisis response. But inadequate cybersecurity can leave them vulnerable to attack
Cyber risk is now so profound that it sprawls well outside the information security team's purview including governance, privacy and corporate culture.
The World Economic Forum has joined forces with business to define how board directors can shape their governance to maximize cyber-resilience.
The use of digital technology during the COVID-19 crisis offers clear lessons: focus on the safety of essential organizations; protect work-from-home capabilities; and target mistrust bro...
The digital transformation we are living through is built on data - but trust in the way data is handed is decreasing. Here's how business leaders can turn this around for the benefit of ...
How leaders can adapt and adopt the right strategies to ensure optimal cybersecurity and digital trust.
With technology such as artificial intelligence and quantum computing developing rapidly, businesses must be prepared to deal with attacks from online hackers.
Pro bono cybersecurity, where companies share their resources with humanitarian organizations, must be expanded to keep pace with new cyber threats.
Before we can tackle the threat of state cyber attacks, first we need to be clear about what they are.
网络风险是一个系统的挑战,而网络弹性是一项公共事业。网络中不具备安全性和弹性,则不可能安全地从第四次工业革命将带来的无数机会中获益。因此,有担当、有创新的领导者在寻求应对这些风险的措施。 为了应对这种挑战,真正对数字化带来的挑战做到应势而为、富有责任,领导者们需要一些工具,需要建立伙伴关系。工具会帮助领导人提升他们应对此类挑战的能力,特别是保证他们所领导的组织运行或者接...
Cyber risk is a systemic challenge and cyber-resilience a public good. Leaders need tools and partnerships to respond to these challenges of digitalization.
The latest cyberattack, which led to outages across the US East Coast, should be a wake-up call regarding the dangers of an insecure IoT.
This is why businesses need to start thinking more about cyber risk.