Do we really have to choose between energy security and the energy transition?
Experts at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos, including the IEA's Fatih Birol, believe a successful transition and energy security go hand in hand.
Experts at the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting in Davos, including the IEA's Fatih Birol, believe a successful transition and energy security go hand in hand.
Global challenges are rewiring supply chains and manufacturing companies are rethinking their operations. From Brazil to Singapore, here's how six countries are managing the shift.
The Forum’s Future of Jobs Report 2025 examines how broadening digital access is affecting the world of work – and looks at the fastest growing and declining job roles.
From deforestation to the climate crisis, the world’s tree species face multiple threats. But some are proving remarkably resilient in the face of adversity...
From ‘The Lord of the Rings’ to ‘A World Without Email’, these are the books that have made an impact on founders and CEOs from Microsoft to Habitat for Humanity and more.
Un nuevo informe del Foro Económico Mundial y PwC identifica las principales tendencias que las organizaciones están observando a medida que integran la IA generativa en su fuerza laboral.
How is generative AI affecting the workforce right now? To find out more, the Forum and PwC quizzed early adopters for a new report. Here’s what it found.
Want to know how to successfully implement and scale GenAI among your workforce? Here’s a practical guide based on the experiences of early adopters.
Experts say that flights are getting bumpier as climate change affects weather patterns. Here’s what you need to know about #turbulence.
Top nature and climate news: Mount Fuji missing snow for longer than before; Here's what happened at COP16; UN warns it is ‘crunch time’ for the climate.