Dave Fredrickson was appointed Executive Vice-President, Oncology Business Unit (OBU) in October 2017 and is responsible for driving growth and maximising the commercial performance of the AstraZeneca global oncology portfolio. In addition, Dave plays a critical leadership role defining and delivering the oncology strategy for the company with accountability for marketing, sales, medical affairs and market access both globally and in major markets. Dave serves as the executive lead for AstraZeneca’s North American Inclusion & Diversity strategy, as well as for the company’s Health Equity Advisory Council where he works with a diverse group of external experts to advance health equity in the U.S. Since joining AstraZeneca in 2014, Dave has held several leadership positions of increasing responsibility, including Vice President, Specialty Care for AstraZeneca in the U.S. and President of AstraZeneca K. K. in Japan. Before joining AstraZeneca, Dave worked at Roche/Genentech, where he served in several functions and leadership positions, including Oncology Business Unit Manager in Spain and strategy, marketing and sales roles in the U.S. Before joining Roche/Genentech, Dave worked at the Monitor Group, LLC (now Monitor Deloitte Group, LLC), a global strategy consultancy. Dave is a graduate of Georgetown University in Washington, DC.
Los avances en detección, ciencia y tecnología, junto con la mejora de las colaboraciones, están dando lugar a alentadores progresos en el tratamiento del cáncer
Advances in screening, science and technology, in conjunction with enhanced collaborations, are resulting in encouraging advances in cancer treatment
Achieving SDG 3.4 and reducing by one third premature mortality from non-communicable diseases can only be done by tackling lung cancer in national plans.
Despite medical advances, health equity has still not been achieved around the world and a holistic approach to address this massive challenge is needed.
パンデミック(世界的大流行)による影響の全体像はまだ明らかになっていませんが、新型コロナウイルス感染拡大の急激な拡大によって、がん治療には混乱が生じています。 自宅待機要請やウイルスに感染する不安から、多くの人ががん検診を見合わせ、定期検診の先送りや、治療を回避・延期しました。
The global cancer community needs to come together, reprioritize screenings and minimize setbacks to healthcare systems and society.