Global music sales hit a new record in 2021 thanks to the rapid growth of streaming
The global music industry is on a roll, posting record revenues for 2021. It’s mainly down to streaming - but vinyl has also seen a resurgence of interest.
The global music industry is on a roll, posting record revenues for 2021. It’s mainly down to streaming - but vinyl has also seen a resurgence of interest.
平均寿命の伸長が悪いこととして語られるケースは稀ですが、不健康な状態で過ごす年月が伸びているとすれば、果たしてそれは喜ばしいことなのでしょうか。 今回、マッキンゼー・ヘルス・インスティテュート(MHI)の新たなレポートで明らかとなったのは、私たちは今、史上最も長い年月を不健康な状態で過ごしている、という現状です。しかし同時に、同レポートは、この状況は私たちの手で変えられ...
Confused about climate change? This young climate NGO is using people’s own languages to deliver the facts.
Life expectancy is rising, but more of our lives are being spent in poor health, according to McKinsey. Here are 6 ways we can live healthier lives.
Famosos chefs cocinan para Ucrania y no se limitan a alimentar a los refugiados. También están recaudando dinero para ayudar a los desplazados internos por la guerra.
Parece algo sacado de la ciencia ficción. Un nuevo material fabricado a partir de residuos que capta los rayos ultravioleta del sol y los convierte en energía renovable.
Celebrity chefs cooking for Ukraine are not just feeding refugees. They are also raising money to help those displaced internally by the war.
As the US bans the import of oil, gas and coal from Russia, what are the other petroleum products that Russia exports?
Support for ditching fossil fuels remains strong, even as consumers expect rising energy prices to make them poorer, a new global survey by Ipsos shows.
A new study has found that fish routinely chat to one another. It’s another reason why we must urgently prioritize ocean health, experts say.
It sounds like something out of science fiction. A new material made from waste that captures the sun’s ultraviolet rays and converts them into renewable energy.
Aeroponics, a technique that allows crops to be grown without soil and with minimal water usage, offers hope for the future of food.
Rusia planea detener las exportaciones de materias primas en respuesta a las sanciones por su guerra contra Ucrania.
Asthma inhalers save lives but emit greenhouse gases. However, pharmaceutical companies are now developing climate-friendly versions using different gases.