This Chinese city is using credit scores to keep tabs on dog owners
Jinan authorities are using a 12 point system, credit score system, to encourage good behaviour among dog owners
Jinan authorities are using a 12 point system, credit score system, to encourage good behaviour among dog owners
Le deuxième hôpital général provincial de Guangzhou a intégré l'IA dans presque toutes ses phases opérationnelles.
The Guangzhou Second Provincial Central Hospital has worked artificial intelligence into almost every area of its operations.
China has opened up what will become the world’s largest carbon market.
According to a University of Maryland-led study published in Nature, China’s SO2 emissions have fallen 75% since 2007, while India’s emissions have increased 50% in the same period. That ...
You can now purchase citizenship in the country with the world’s 34th most powerful passport with Bitcoin.
New research shows how life expectancy is affected by air pollution - based on where you live