Why rules and regulations are not enough when it comes to building trust
The importance of cultivating trust by way of greater transparency, accountability and integrity in a period of exceptional economic, political and cultural change.
1972, studies, Uruguay Univ.; 1978, JD, Sao Paulo Univ.; 1980, MCJ, New York Univ. With Baker & McKenzie: since 1986, Partner; Lawyer, energy, mining, infrastructure projects and M&A; 1999-2003, Member, Exec. Cttee, and Chairman, Latin American Regional Council; led Global Energy, Mining & Infrastructure Industry Group; 2005, Chairman, Policy Cttee; seven years as Managing Partner, four offices in Brazil; currently, Chairman, Exec. Cttee. Member: Int'l Business Leaders Advisory Council for Mayor of Beijing; World Economic Forum; US-Brazil CEO Forum; Brazilian Bar Association.
The importance of cultivating trust by way of greater transparency, accountability and integrity in a period of exceptional economic, political and cultural change.
What are the implications of 3D printing, how can you balance rights of privacy with concerns about security, who 'owns' the medical device inside your body?