The importance of books as we struggle with COVID-19
One Berlin bookseller said the large, independent bookstore has seen some literary panic shopping of late. Shoppers are looking for 'ambitious reads', children's books and texts on pandem...
Ephrat Livni is a writer and lawyer. She has worked around the world and now reports on government and the Supreme Court from Washington, DC.
One Berlin bookseller said the large, independent bookstore has seen some literary panic shopping of late. Shoppers are looking for 'ambitious reads', children's books and texts on pandem...
The philosophy of kintsugi is built on the idea that flaws are not something to be ashamed of, but rather a source of beauty and pride.
A sense of purpose could have health benefits, a new study shows.
As of June 1, people travelling to Tanzania will be prohibited from bringing plastic bags into the country, as the country steps up its fight on plastic.
Therapeutic wood wandering began in Japan in 1982, known as shinrin yoku, or “forest bathing”. The country now has 62 therapeutic woods, attracting 5 million visitors per year.
A new initiative in Montreal, Canada, will allow doctors to prescribe free visits to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts for up to 50 patients.
Blue mind science, the study of the health benefits of aquatic environments, has shown the emotional and mental positives of living by water.
Research suggests we can even teach ourselves to be more resilient.
New research shows that disagreement actually enhances group thinking.
用音乐拨弄情感之弦的智慧常常是这样表现的:大三和弦配上令人振奋的歌词,而小三和弦演奏低沉的旋律并搭配犹豫的歌词。11月15日发表在《Royal Society of Open Science》上的最新研究一定程度上证实了这种看法,但是又有一些新发现。这篇题目为《小三和弦渐弱,大三和弦渐强》的论文从莱昂纳德·科恩的歌曲《Hallelujah》中发现了歌词在不同的地域、音乐类...
Research suggests that songs with negative lyrics became increasingly common from 1950 to 2010, but since have been on the decline.
La práctica japonesa de baño de bosque reduce la frecuencia cardiaca, la presión arterial y la producción de las hormonas del estrés, estimula el sistema inmunológico y mejora los sentimi...
Kokoro means heart and spirit and soul and mind all together, and it is inspiring researchers to break down conceptual barriers.
Academically trained attorneys are increasingly being replaced by technology.
Constructive nonconformity could be a major workplace asset, according to Professor Francesca Gino.