Why a $1 billion commitment to fund climate adaptation marks a new era of collaboration in Africa
With a target to guide $5 billion into business-led climate resilience solutions in Africa, a new platform represents an era of collaborative action.
Facilitates peer communities for executives of the world's largest technology firms, helping them tackle common challenges. Previously led the Forum's Internet for All project, including its global executive group and its country-level work in Argentina, Jordan, Rwanda, and South Africa. Prior to the Forum spent nearly a decade at the intersection of technology and development in the USAID ecosystem and at the World Bank. Former US naval officer. MPA in International Development (MPA/ID), Harvard Kennedy School. BA in Economics, University of Virginia.
With a target to guide $5 billion into business-led climate resilience solutions in Africa, a new platform represents an era of collaborative action.
From India to Chile and Mexico, there is ample evidence that climate change and nature degradation are security issues. Here are four ways we can respond.
企業や政府は、気候リスクが顕在化してから対応するという消極的な対応に終始しており、コストのかかる混乱を招いています。気候レジリエンス対策の実施には、2:1 から 15:1 の利益対コスト比があることが証明されていますが、積極的な戦略の幅広い採用を促進するためには、明確な規制とインセンティブが必要です。
Business leaders need an urgent shift in mindset—from reactive to proactive—to contend with the rising risks. Here's what's needed now for climate adaptation.
国連事務総長は、2027年までに全世界を包括的な早期警報システムでカバーすることを目指すイニシアチブ「すべての人に早期警報システムを(EWS4All: Early Warnings for Al)を立ち上げました。
Las catástrofes naturales están aumentando debido al cambio climático. El innovador enfoque japonés de sistemas de alerta temprana puede contribuir a los esfuerzos mundiales de adaptación...
Natural disasters are increasing due to climate change. Japan's innovative approach to early warning systems can help with global climate adaptation efforts.
While efforts continue to mitigate global warming, scientists are urging governments and companies to enact climate change adaptation strategies. Here’s why.
Internet : un outil qui reste étranger à plus de la moitié de la population mondiale.
La Comisión de Banda Ancha para el Desarrollo Sostenible sostiene que, a fin de este año, ni siquiera la mitad de la población del mundo tendrá acceso a Internet.
The internet is now fundamental to technological advance, and without far greater online access around the world, hundreds of millions of people are going to miss out on wealth-generating...