Qui participe à Davos 2019 ?
3 000 participants venus du monde entier et de toutes les sphères d'influence se réuniront dans la ville enneigée de Davos, en Suisse, du 22 au 25 janvier.
1986, diploma in Business Administration, Pitman Central College, London; 2005, BA in Information Science and Communications, Sukhothai University. 1986-88, Inter-Continental Hotel; 1989-97, Assistant to Senior Partner, Tilleke & Gibbins law firm; 1998-2000, Public Affairs, World Economic Forum; 2000-01, Media Adviser, World Health Organization, Geneva, on Public Hearings for Anti-Tobacco Project and World Health Day on Mental Health; since 2001, with Media Team, World Economic Forum.
3 000 participants venus du monde entier et de toutes les sphères d'influence se réuniront dans la ville enneigée de Davos, en Suisse, du 22 au 25 janvier.
Líderes y personalidades como Sir David Attenborough, Shinzo Abe, Angela Merkel, el príncipe Guillermo y Jacinda Ardem se congregarán en Davos para la Reunión Anual 2019 del Foro Económic...
Davos 2019: Sir David Attenborough, Shinzo Abe, Angela Merkel, Prince William and Jacinda Ardem will gather in Davos for the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting 2019.
A new survey shows the youth of ASEAN are highly optimistic about the impact of technology on their job prospects and incomes.
La 48va Reunión Anual del Foro Económico Mundial será entre el 23 y el 26 de enero en Davos-Klosters, Suiza. El tema a tratar es Creando un Futuro compartido en un Mundo Fracturado.
A record number of heads of state will attend this year, including Emmanuel Macron, Theresa May, Donald Trump, Narendra Modi and Justin Trudeau.
Find out more about the Co-Chairs for the next World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, which will take place on 23-26 January 2018 in Davos: Sharan Burrow, Fabiola Gianotti, Isabelle Kocher,...
Over 40 heads of state and government, as well as 2,500 leaders from business and society will convene at the 46th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, from 20 to 23 January in Davos-Klos...