How to keep AI development moving without compromising safety and security
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to do great good, but only if we build it responsibly. That's why it's important to prioritize ethics in AI development.
Francesca Rossi is an IBM fellow and the IBM AI Ethics Global Leader. She is based at the T.J. Watson IBM Research Lab, New York, USA.
Her research interests focus on artificial intelligence, specifically they include constraint reasoning, preferences, multi-agent systems, computational social choice, and collective decision making. She is also interested in ethical issues in the development and behavior of AI systems, in particular for decision support systems for group decision making. On these topics, she has published over 200 scientific articles in journals and conference proceedings, and as book chapters.
She is a fellow of both the worldwide association of AI (AAAI) and of the European one (EurAI). She has been president of IJCAI (International Joint Conference on AI), an executive councillor of AAAI, and the Editor in Chief of the Journal of AI Research. She is a member of the scientific advisory board of the Future of Life Institute (Cambridge, USA) and a deputy director of the Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence (Cambridge, UK). She is in the executive committee of the IEEE global initiative on ethical considerations on the development of autonomous and intelligent systems and she is a member of the board of directors of the Partnership on AI, where she represents IBM as one of the founding partners. She is a member of the European Commission High Level Expert Group on AI and the general chair of the AAAI 2020 conference. She co-leads the internal IBM AI Ethics board. She will be the AAAI president in 2022-2024.
Artificial Intelligence has the potential to do great good, but only if we build it responsibly. That's why it's important to prioritize ethics in AI development.
AI ethics officers find technical and non-technical solutions to address concerns raised by AI applications, mitigate risks and help companies reap rewards
As AI provides an increasing number of recommendations to human decision-makers, it becomes imperative that we uncover all stones to make sure we can trust it.