Artificial intelligence, algorithmic pricing, and collusion
Antitrust agencies are concerned that the autonomous pricing algorithms increasingly used by online vendors may learn to collude.
Giacomo Calzolari (PhD Toulouse) is Professor of Economics at Bologna University and Research Fellow at CEPR London. He received the Young Economist Award from the European Economic Association and the Best Paper Award by the Association of Competition Economics 2014. His areas of interest cover industrial organization, competition policy, auctions and procurement, the economics of regulation, including regulation of multinational banks, incentives and contract theory.
He regularly publishes on and serves as referee for top international journals such as American Economic Review, Rand Journal, International Economic Review and others. He has been member of the program committees of international conferences including those of the Econometric Society.
He is a member of the steering committee of the Italian Association of Competition Economics and Co-editor of International Journal of Industrial Organization; European Economy – Banks, regulation, and the Real Sectorand Labour: Review of labour economics and industrial relations.