These 16 innovators, selected by UpLink's Sustainable Aviation Challenge, have set the aviation industry on a flight path towards sustainability.
Forests are instrumental in addressing some of the most pressing issues of the day: slowing climate change and biodiversity loss and promoting human well-being.
The Trillion Trees: United States Challenge called for ecopreneurs who are tackling threats to forests to submit their innovative solutions and business models.
Africa's Sahel is one of the regions on Earth that is most vulnerable to climate change. These entrepreneurs are delivering benefits to people and the environment.
Existe un creciente movimiento de eco-emprendedores que está frenando la deforestación mediante la creación de modelos de "bioeconomía" sostenible para preservar y restaurar la Amazonía. ...
There is a growing ecopreneur movement that is curbing deforestation by building sustainable 'bioeconomy' models to preserve and restore the Amazon rainforests
UpLink and 1t.org sourced 13 innovative organizations who will have an opportunity to scale their impact through the crowdsourcing innovation platform.
Estas son las 15 soluciones innovadoras que han ganado el Challenge de las BiodiverCiudades de UpLink. Ellas harán parte de un programa de mentoría y apoyo para escalar sus soluciones.
As cities continue to expand, so does their ecological footprint. If cities don’t heal their relationship with nature, our species will face increasing threats.
To meet the Paris Agreement targets and avoid catastrophic climate change, we need innovations that work for people and planet on an unprecedented scale.
We urgently need to scale sustainable 'bioeconomy' models that preserve and restore the Amazon and provide livelihoods for the people living in the region.
In March 2021, 1t.org and UpLink launched the Trillion Trees Challenge to regrow the Sahel and Great Green Wall. Here are the innovators who stepped up.
Conserving existing forests, restoring forest ecosystems and reforesting suitable lands is essential for our economies and societies.
Forests are a key part of the solution to address climate change and biodiversity loss. These inspiring solutions are at the forefront of a growing movement to restore and protect them.