Giulia is a Research and Analysis Specialist at the World Economic Forum’s Centre for Cybersecurity. Prior to joining the Forum, she conducted analysis on a wide range of security and geopolitical issues, including cyber defense at NATO SHAPE, NATO Parliamentary Assembly and the Italian government. Giulia holds a dual Master’s degree in International Affairs from Sciences Po Paris (France) and MGIMO (Russia), an MA in Diplomacy and International Cooperation from the University of Trieste (Italy), and a BA in International Relations from King’s College London (UK).
As the cyberspace becomes increasingly complex, five leading cybersecurity officers detail the greatest cyber challenges they face. Here's what they had to say.
The cybersecurity landscape is increasingly complex, with geopolitical tensions, generative AI and conflicting regulations set to challenge leaders in 2025.
Cybersecurity must balance the risks of AI alongside its benefits. We outline what the public and private sector are doing to ensure AI is used responsibly.
These principles are tools to catalyse dialogue, guide decision-making, and inform regulatory approaches to quantum-security in the financial sector.
La colaboración público-privada es clave para mitigar el impacto de los ciberdelitos en la cadena de suministro que afectan a organismos gubernamentales, fuerzas de seguridad y empresas d...
Collaboration is key to mitigating the impact of the supply-chain cybercrimes that hit governmental agencies, law enforcement and businesses worldwide.
Los riesgos de ciberseguridad en el sector manufacturero afectan desde la planta a los consumidores y a las partes interesadas de las empresas; el plan del Foro Económico Mundial busca la...
Cybersecurity risks in manufacturing reach far, to consumers and corporate stakeholders; the World Economic Forum's plan seeks collective responsibility.
地政学的緊張により、サイバーリスクが増大している一方で、サイバー攻撃が地政学的安定を揺るがしています。 ロシアによるウクライナ侵攻が長期化の様相を呈する中、ロシア軍が再攻勢を仕掛ける公算が高いことを考えると、一斉的なハイブリッド攻撃の一環として悪意のあるサイバー作戦が展開されることが予想されます。
Las tensiones geopolíticas están aumentando los riesgos cibernéticos. Lograr la cyber resiliencia requiere un enfoque que trascienda fronteras y empresas.
Achieving cyber resilience is one of the biggest cybersecurity challenges. It requires a harmonised approach that stretches across borders and businesses.