How Singapore's data-driven approach is building a skills-first economy
In a rapidly evolving world the transition to a skills-based labour market is a key solution. Here's how Singapore is building a data-driven skills ecosystem.
Dr Soon-Joo Gog is the Chief Skills Officer at the SkillsFuture Singapore, and has held a number of posts in Singapore government. She leads a team of Jobs-Skills Analysts, Data Scientists, and Futurists, to identify global trends that impact business, jobs and skills. Soon-Joo and her team work with local and international partners to prototype solutions in the areas of future of work, future of learning and future skills. Her research interests include capitalism in the digital economy, new economy firms, skills ecosystems and skills policies.
She chairs the Singapore National Steering Committee for the OECD Programme for International Assessment for Adult Competency (PIAAC), and a member of OECD PIAAC Strategic Planning Group. She advises a number of research institutions.
Soon-Joo has a doctoral degree jointly awarded by University College London, UK and Nanyang Technological University, Singapore; Master degrees from HEC, France and George Washington University, USA; bachelor degree from University of London, UK; and completed executive programme at Singularity University, USA.