World leaders: We need to save COVID-19's 'lost generation' of children
Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and dozens of world leaders urge for 4 immediate actions to ensure every child receives an education.
Gordon Brown served as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 2007 to 2010, Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1997 to 2007 and as a Member of Parliament in his home county of Fife, Scotland, from 1983 to 2015.
He is the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and is a passionate advocate for the rights of children and believes every girl and boy deserves the opportunity of an education, learning and skills for the future. Since September 2021, he also serves as WHO Ambassador for Global Health Financing.
Gordon is Chair of the High-Level Steering Group of Education Cannot Wait, the education in emergencies fund; Chair of the Inquiry on Protecting Children in Conflict; and serves as Chair of the International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity.
Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown and dozens of world leaders urge for 4 immediate actions to ensure every child receives an education.
Los cierres y el distanciamiento social obligaron a las escuelas de todo el mundo a cerrar sus puertas, lo que afectó a casi 1.600 millones de niños.
Lockdowns and social distancing forced schools all over the world to shut their doors, affecting nearly 1.6 billion children.
La crise d'éducation sans précédent causée par la pandémie touche à présent de plein fouet les enfants les plus pauvres.
Es vital que los órganos de gobierno y los bancos mundiales trabajen juntos para apoyar a los países que no pueden mantenerse a sí mismos, escriben dos antiguos líderes mundiales y dos ec...
It's vital that governing bodies and world banks work together to support the countries than are unable to support themselves, write two former world leaders and two economists.
Former British PM Gordon Brown on how to close the global education gap.
Former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown discusses the need for the global community to prioritize quality education.
Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister, looks at the challenges facing refugees in just one camp in Greece.
Former UK Prime Minister Gordon Brown discusses the power of young people in an interconnected world.
When children are displaced, school is one of the first things to go. What can we do to provide refugees with the hope that comes from a good education?
A small social experiment conceived ten years ago to help 2,000 young delinquents in Peterborough, in eastern England, has paid off, explains former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown.
Displaced children are failing to recieve an education when they relocate, argues Gordon Brown, former UK Prime Minister.
Gordon Brown puts forward his vision for making universal education a possibility.