BSc Engineering, U.S. Military Academy, West Point; MA, Harvard University.
Formerly: ten years as a Communications Intelligence Officer, U.S. Army, including six years leading tactical units on the Czechoslovak-German Iron Curtain in Europe; Vice-President, Corporate Development, Metromedia International Telecommunications; executive of a financial dotcom; co-directed a $3.5 million independent business education institute focused on emerging markets, University of Michigan Business School.
Currently, Executive Director, Center for Digital Strategies, Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth; leads outreach and partnership efforts,; responsible for its programmes; heads its staff. Works with corporations like ABB, Bechtel, Chevron, Eaton, Levi's, Nestlé, Nike, Swarovski, VW and YUM!Brands, convening them for business, technology and security roundtables. Writes for the Global 1000 CIOs, heads of information security, and their executive. Judge, CIO 100 Awards.