IMF: How actions from the Federal Reserve could affect emerging and mature markets
COVID-19 relief packages and trade issues have put average gross government debt in emerging markets up by almost 10 percentage points since 2019.
Hélène Poirson Ward is Deputy Division Chief in the Strategy, Policy and Review Department of the IMF, where she leads the work on macro policy issues, including fiscal space, unconventional monetary policy and spillovers. Previously she worked in the European Department, where she was desk for France and Germany, and in the Asia Pacific Department, where she was desk for India and Malaysia. Her research focuses on external debt and growth, exchange rate regime choice, financial globalization, growth and financial spillovers and managing external volatility with multiple policy levers.
COVID-19 relief packages and trade issues have put average gross government debt in emerging markets up by almost 10 percentage points since 2019.
Se espera que la pandemia cause un daño desproporcionado a las economías de mercado emergentes, poner las políticas adecuadas puede ayudar.
The pandemic is expected to cause disproportionate damage to emerging market economies, put the right policies can help.