3 reasons why consumer demand matters for the post-COVID-19 recovery
The post-pandemic consumer is more important than ever to economic recovery from COVID-19. But how will the pandemic have changed their spending habits?
Dr. Jaana Remes is an economist and a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), McKinsey & Company's business and economics research arm, based in San Francisco.
The post-pandemic consumer is more important than ever to economic recovery from COVID-19. But how will the pandemic have changed their spending habits?
Le COVID-19 pourrait bien devenir la maladie la plus coûteuse de l’histoire.
Weak economical growth in Latin America has left left it vulnerable to it being overtaken by other countries. In order to make growth more dynamic, digital technology must be used to crea...
Le premier pas d'importance cruciale serait de réduire le fossé numérique et de favoriser l'accès de tous aux outils de communication modernes.
As technology makes our cities more innovative, we have to make sure they don't exclude the vulnerable.
过去15年间,中国一直是全球经济增长的关键引擎。但现在,中国的投资驱动型增长已经走到尽头;而中国和全球的持续经济增长,将更多依赖中国城市消费者群体。到2030年,城市人口消费将为全球经济增长贡献91%,而中国正在同时加强其城市化进程和消费驱动型增长模式。 麦肯锡全球研究所的最新研究乐观地指出,中国的这一战略模式能够持续。这一研究预见了中国城市消费者数量和收入的持续增长,...
Chinese consumers are set to be a vital driving force behind global growth.
Por quince años, China ha sido un motor clave del crecimiento global. Pero ahora que el auge chino basado en las inversiones quedó atrás, la continuidad del crecimiento económico (en Chin...
To compete in South-East Asia, businesses need to assess how prepared they are for arguably one of the most diverse consumer markets in history.