How tracing cattle in Brazil can prevent deforestation in the Amazon
Cattle ranching in Brazil historically accounts for 24% of global annual tropical deforestation and plays an outsized role in global greenhouse gas emissions.
Jack Hurd serves as the Executive Director of the Tropical Forest Alliance leading its work in supporting companies through the ongoing global transition to deforestation-free supply chains. Jack brings to the World Economic Forum 30 years of experience in climate change, natural resources management, and community economic development. He has lived and worked extensively in the tropics, with an emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, and has held senior leadership positions with Conservation International (CI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Jack holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Vermont and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Washington. Jack is based in Geneva.
Cattle ranching in Brazil historically accounts for 24% of global annual tropical deforestation and plays an outsized role in global greenhouse gas emissions.
A new food system that meets demand and biodiversity and net zero targets is needed. Intensifying agricultural production in a sustainable way could help.
The voluntary carbon market can mobilize private finance for the nature-based solutions that are needed to help meeting global climate change targets.
Esta iniciativa reúne a gigantes alimentarios y grupos de la sociedad civil para establecer criterios estrictos para las exportaciones sostenibles de carne de vacuno de Brasil.
广义上,自然受益指的是在2030年前遏止并扭转自然界损失的目标。从去年开始,这一术语越发受到重视;英国皇家学会旗舰生物研究期刊Proceedings B最近刊登的一项新研究,分析了600多种鸟类和哺乳动物的种群变化趋势;研究结果表明,目前的生物多样性损失比我们先前想象的还要严重;在加速对自然的保护、管理及其恢复方面,我们有望在2023年期间看到如下五个自然受益发展趋势。
The new ‘Beef Alliance’ joins food giants and civil society groups to set criteria for Brazil’s beef exports that limit deforestation and land conversion.
Targets for what’s been dubbed the ‘Paris Agreement’ for nature and biodiversity will be turned into national action plans and business contribution plans.
IPCCが発表した最新の報告書は、地球温暖化を1.5度に抑制するためには、即時かつ大規模な排出削減が欠かせないと警告しています。 自然気候ソリューションは、2030年までに必要な気候危機の緩和策の3分の1を提供する可能性を持っていますが、それは、私たちが今すぐに行動した場合に限られます。 私たちは、自然のための貴重な資金源となりうる自主的炭素市場を含む、あらゆる面での...
El último informe del IPPC sobre el clima subraya el riesgo de la inacción y por qué necesitamos un enfoque colaborativo para financiar soluciones climáticas.
Natural climate solutions have the potential to provide a third of the climate crisis mitigation needed by 2030, but only if we act now. Read to learn more.
Forest carbon is a critical tool undergoing continual evolution and improvement: here are 5 reasons why this will continue in the year ahead.
No single policy instrument can end deforestation on its own. Tackling this issue demands a holistic approach – which is where this 5-point plan comes in.
Discover how the Agricultural Sector Roadmap to 1.5°C plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from land use changes in the cattle, palm and soy sectors.