Deforestation-free beef is possible in the Amazon – here’s how business can contribute
Brazil, the world's largest beef exporter, is in a unique position to address the sector's heavy environmental toll – as the state of Pará shows
Jack Hurd serves as the Executive Director of the Tropical Forest Alliance leading its work in supporting companies through the ongoing global transition to deforestation-free supply chains. Jack brings to the World Economic Forum 30 years of experience in climate change, natural resources management, and community economic development. He has lived and worked extensively in the tropics, with an emphasis on the Asia-Pacific region, and has held senior leadership positions with Conservation International (CI), The Nature Conservancy (TNC) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). Jack holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics from the University of Vermont and a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Washington. Jack is based in Geneva.
Brazil, the world's largest beef exporter, is in a unique position to address the sector's heavy environmental toll – as the state of Pará shows
Brasil puede crear vías de inversión para proteger, gestionar y restaurar la naturaleza sin dejar de ser una potencia agrícola. Así es cómo puede hacerlo.
Brazil can create investable pathways to protect, manage and restore nature while remaining an agricultural powerhouse. Here's how.
The period of delay to EU deforestation legislation can be used to assess early progress, refine the tools and build the capacity needed to implement it.
Además de frenar la pérdida de biodiversidad y cumplir la normativa, abrazar estrategias positivas para la naturaleza puede mejorar la reputación, eficiencia y sostenibilidad de las empre...
Embracing "nature positive" strategies can halt biodiversity loss, boost corporate reputation, efficiency and sustainability and ensure compliance.
El enfoque paisajístico y jurisdiccional puede ayudar a las empresas a atajar la deforestación, garantizar un uso sostenible de la tierra y cumplir los objetivos medioambientales globales.
The landscape and jurisdictional approach can help companies tackle deforestation, ensure sustainable land use and meet global environmental goals.
El Cerrado sustenta la agroindustria brasileña, pero su biodiversidad está siendo destruida. Un nuevo informe subraya cómo es posible equilibrar producción y protección.
The Cerrado supports Brazil's agribusiness but its biodiversity is being destroyed. A new report highlights the need to balance production and protection.