Le prochain printemps de l'IA
Les décideurs et les entreprises doivent donc tenter de saisir la pleine valeur de ce que l'IA a à nous offrir, tout en évitant les risques de détérioration.
Les décideurs et les entreprises doivent donc tenter de saisir la pleine valeur de ce que l'IA a à nous offrir, tout en évitant les risques de détérioration.
Companies are already employing AI to drive innovation forward for the benefit of the economy. However, an increasing amount are also using it for the wellbeing of their employees - but h...
Despite today’s increased trade tensions, rising nationalism, and slowdown in global goods trade, globalisation is not in retreat. Instead, we enter a new chapter that is being driven by ...
China and the US are miles ahead of the international competition when it comes to AI technology and investment. If Europe wants to avoid being left behind it needs a strategy to compete.
When it comes to digital tech and AI, Europe is lagging behind China and the US. Closing this gap will release Europe's vast untapped potential in this sector - here are four ways to kick...
L’essor de l’intelligence artificielle (AI) est porteur de grandes promesses et de défis majeurs. Mais les risques les plus graves ne sont pas nécessairement les plus souvent abordés.
New research shows that adopting AI could create significant economic gains - but these might not be divided equally.
Desde que los trabajadores textiles de principios del siglo XIX destruyeron los telares mecánicos que amenazaban su sustento, los debates sobre la automatización han conjurado escenarios...
Exploring the flow of internet data and their impact on global activity in general.
McKinsey Global Institute research explores the gig economy, and debunks some myths along the way.
Laura Tyson and Jacques Bughin look at the changing world of work.
Más allá de las condiciones macroeconómicas, en el largo plazo es probable que la proporción del trabajo independiente vaya en aumento debido a los avances tecnológicos y las preferencias...