3 ways the circular economy is vital for the energy transition
Reaching net-zero requires urgent systemic change. Scaling the circular economy for the design, production and recycling of renewables tech is vital.
James Pennington is an Associate Director at Deloitte where he leads the firm’s circular economy practice. He previously worked at the World Economic Forum where he was manager of the circular economy initiative and led the build-out of the Forum’s environmental work in China. He holds degrees from the University of Leeds and Cambridge.
Reaching net-zero requires urgent systemic change. Scaling the circular economy for the design, production and recycling of renewables tech is vital.
The majority of industry emissions comes from four material groups: Steel, cement, aluminum, chemicals. Circular economy solutions focused on these materials can help industry reduce emis...
Tech Giants are betting big on the circular economy as a way to lower emissions and to tap a responsible and sustainable supply of finite materials.
En los últimos años, China ha defendido un concepto que llama "civilización ecológica".
China has been championing the concept of 'ecological civilization', which aims to achieve harmony between people and nature. But what does this mean for the rest of the world?
小轮子驱动大生意,中国的点对点借贷平台(peer-to-peer platform)此刻欣欣向荣,但这股势头能够持续下去吗?
From ride-hailing to umbrella-sharing, China's peer-to-peer economy is growing fast.
A medida que otros países se alejan progresivamente de su posición de liderazgo, China ha demostrado una voluntad cada vez mayor de colaborar con el resto del mundo para alcanzar los obje...
The world’s most populous nation is making the shift to a greener economy.
近年来,雾霾弥漫的城市和燃煤发电厂几乎成为中国的代名词。近三十余年的不计后果的快速发展给中国带来了一系列环境的挑战,诸如北京等城市时常遭受数倍于污染限值的污染。而气候变化、水污染自然资源的过度消耗和土地污染为这个世界上人口最多的国家带来了更加严峻的挑战。 近几十年来,由于主要关心经济增长和提升人民生活水平,中国在政策制定过程中始终把环境问题放在次要位置。然而,随着空气污...
Un 32 % de los 78 millones de toneladas de envases plásticos que se producen anualmente va a parar al océano; el equivalente de echar un camión de basura de plástico en el océano por minuto.