Scale matters more than ever for European competitiveness. Here's why
As we enter a new geo-economic era, Europe's competitiveness is under pressure. Here's how European firms are to compete globally.
Dr. Jan Mischke is a partner at the McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), McKinsey’s business and economics research arm, based in Zurich. Since 2010, he has led MGI’s research on productivity and prosperity. This includes topics ranging from regional and country competitiveness and growth, particularly in Europe, to infrastructure, construction, and real estate, to global wealth and balance sheet health. Jan is a frequent speaker on these topics as well as on broader global trends.
Prior to joining MGI, Jan worked as a consultant with McKinsey for 10 years, serving clients across many different industries and countries.
As we enter a new geo-economic era, Europe's competitiveness is under pressure. Here's how European firms are to compete globally.
全球资产负债表(全球经济中所有资产和负债的总和)在过去二十年中持续扩大;尽管在这全球“纸面财富”(wealth on paper)的飙升期,资产负债表的增速更快了,但是生产率却放缓了,投资也减少了;目前,提高生产率势在必行,这就需要我们将节省下来的资金用于生产性投资,并加快采用数字技术。
Wealth on paper has grown while productivity has slowed. Here's why investment in and adoption of digital technologies are key to boosting productivity.
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