Decarbonizing shipping – why now is the time to act
The shipping industry must reach zero emissions by 2050, and to get there zero-emission ships must become the dominant and competitive choice by 2030.
The shipping industry must reach zero emissions by 2050, and to get there zero-emission ships must become the dominant and competitive choice by 2030.
政府は今、岐路に立っており、現在の危機からより良い形で復興を遂げ、世界をより持続可能な方向へと舵取りすることで、大転換を図る歴史的な機会を手にしているのです。「Getting to Zero Coalition」が掲げる、生産、流通、貯蔵、補給を含むスケーラブルなゼロカーボンエネルギー源を確保するために必要なインフラの支えのもと、2030年までに、外航貿易ルートに商業的に...
When deciding on policies and stimulus measures to kickstart the global economy, policymakers should invest in the shipping industry's green transition.
Decarbonizing maritime shipping is a huge challenge - but it could catalyze a broader switch to clean energy. Here's how.
Financial institutions are including climate considerations in lending decisions to incentivize shipping’s decarbonization