Les pays africains alimentent les classements économiques. Quelles leçons pouvons-nous en tirer ?
Le dernier classement Doing Business démontre pourquoi nous pouvons prendre exemple sur certains pays d'Afrique.
John is Economic and Policy Analyst at African Development Bank. He has been with ADB since April 2014.
Le dernier classement Doing Business démontre pourquoi nous pouvons prendre exemple sur certains pays d'Afrique.
Political will for business reform is a key factor in Nigeria, Kenya and Morocco climbing the World Bank's Doing Business rankings.
Africa is no doubt facing economic headwinds, but it still remains the second fastest growing continent with six of the fastest growing economies in the world.
High borrowing appetite by African countries has added to the fact that debt, particularly foreign currency debt, has become an important source of development finance for African economi...
Like most years, 2015 was an eventful one for the African continent, with many significant political, economic and social events taking place.