Do cryptocurrencies have a future? An expert explains
Cryptocurrencies have gone from obscurity to a trillion dollar valuation in just over a decade. A risk expert explains why their their time could be up.
Jon Danielsson is a director of the ESRC funded Systemic Risk Centre at the London School of Economics. He has a Ph.D. in the economics of financial markets and his research interests include financial stability, systemic risk, extreme market movements, market liquidity and financial crisis.
He has published his research extensively in both academic journals and the mainstream media, and has presented his work in a number of universities and institutions.
Cryptocurrencies have gone from obscurity to a trillion dollar valuation in just over a decade. A risk expert explains why their their time could be up.
Financial regulation is designed to make systemic crises less likely, but diverse approaches to risk are needed to absorb future shocks, says an economist.
New research explores the link between perceptions of financial risk and economic growth, showing the global perceptions have a bigger influence.
那金融体系呢? 是否有可能发生系统性的金融危机,把我们推向类似于2008年的环球金融危机,甚至是1930年代的全球经济大萧条?
Viewed through the lens of exogenous and endogenous risk, the coronavirus crisis and crisis of 2008 are quite different - policy responses should reflect that.
After Iceland's central bank was put in charge of capital controls following the financial disaster, it was subject to severe attacks and scrutiny.
Governments have four policy areas relating to the financial sector: fiscal, monetary, microprudential, and macroprudential. Each area is run by a government authority, of which more than...
Cryptocurrencies have excited investors but do they have economic longevity?
Jon Danielsson, of the London School of Economics, says he doesn't understand the point of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
Three economists weigh up the risks and opportunities for the British and EU financial markets following Brexit.
Although cyber events present a serious risk to the well-being of financial institutions, are they a systemic concern?