Is it time for a 'true global currency'?
The International Monetary Fund’s global reserve asset, the Special Drawing Right, is one of the most underused instruments of multilateral cooperation. Turning it into a true global curr...
The International Monetary Fund’s global reserve asset, the Special Drawing Right, is one of the most underused instruments of multilateral cooperation. Turning it into a true global curr...
The role of exchange rate policies in economic development is still largely debated. There are two central and interconnected issues regarding exchange rate policies in the macroeconomic ...
Deux événements majeurs survenus la semaine dernière pèsent directement sur les débats internationaux autour du changement climatique et des moyens d’y faire face.
La capacidad de América Latina de continuar evitando las interrupciones del financiamiento frente a nuevos choques depende de que dos condiciones se mantengan.
José Antonio Ocampo explores the possible economic impact of President Trump on Latin America.
Los puertorriqueños ya tienen infinidad de desafíos con los cuales lidiar. Un trato neocolonial bajo la ley de Estados Unidos es lo último que necesitan.