The real cost of addiction
Read an extract from behavioural neuroscientist and recovering addict Judith Grisel's book, Never Enough.
Behavioural neuroscientist and a Professor of Psychology at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania (USA) with expertise in pharmacology and genetics. Research focuses on determining the causes of drug addiction. Recent work focuses on understanding sex differences in the neural causes and consequences of addiction. In addition to dozens of scientific papers, recently published "Never Enough: The Neuroscience and Experience of Addiction" describing how her personal experience with addiction led to a career in neuroscience, summarizes how addictive substances affect the brain and how addictions develop, and discusses the neural changes that make recovery so difficult. 1993, PhD, University of Colorado, Boulder; Postdoctoral Fellowship, Oregon Health Sciences University. Then began a career as a teacher and scholar at liberal arts colleges. For a long record of training undergraduate students in laboratory research, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Distinguished Mentor. Currently working on a new book, tentatively called "Primed: Teens, Drugs and the Brain" to summarize recent evidence that adolescents are at particularly high risk for developing addictions due to an especially vulnerable brain. Interests: family, listening to live music, hiking, biking and travelling.