Pourquoi l'inégalité des revenus est une menace pour le climat
Les 10 % les plus riches de la population ont aujourd'hui un revenu moyen environ neuf fois plus élevé que celui des 10 % les plus pauvres.
Swedish union leader. President of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation. Was part of the Swedish Social Democratic Youth League (SSU), followed by term in the Prime Minister of Sweden’s Office as an expert; then Head of Communications for the Swedish Social Democratic Party. Considers unemployment to be the most acute issue to tackle; will work actively to develop measures to create employment. Other important issues to come to grips with are the rate of organization and the popular movement to increase individuals’ possibilities to exert influence in society.
Les 10 % les plus riches de la population ont aujourd'hui un revenu moyen environ neuf fois plus élevé que celui des 10 % les plus pauvres.
Una gran desigualdad alimenta la desconfianza, el descontento y el populismo de derecha. Las personas cuyos ingresos han crecido menos que otras, a menudo se inclinan por partidos de dere...
The costs of the transition to a low-carbon economy must be shared. If those who have already fallen behind have to bear the brunt of the costs, we risk more right-wing populism and clima...
The minimum wage in Sweden is higher as compared to the rest of the world. Know the secret of Sweden minimum wage being so high.