From economics to physics, literature to peace, here's what you need to know about the six award winners this year.
Women are under-diagnosed for conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes, for reasons including gender bias and lack of research. Here are six conditions that highlight the gap.
Octubre es el Mes de la Concientización sobre la Ciberseguridad. Desde 'computadoras zombies' hasta ransomware y las elecciones de EE. UU., he aquí 10 cosas que debes saber sobre el tema....
'It starts with leadership culture,' says Diana Han, Chief of Health and Well-Being at Unilever, in the lead-up to World Mental Health Day.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. From ‘zombie computers’ to ransomware and the US election, here are 10 things to know about cybercrime and cybersecurity in 2024.
World leaders have adopted a Pact for the Future that includes a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations at the UN Summit of the Future. Here's what you need to know.
Las Reuniones de Impacto sobre el Desarrollo Sostenible (SDIM24) se celebran del 23 al 27 de septiembre en el Foro Económico Mundial para impulsar la acción hacia la consecución de los ODS.
Experts at the World Economic Forum's Sustainable Development Impact Meetings will discuss sustainability challenges such as digital literacy and inclusive economies. Here's what you need...
Climate action and the energy transition are under the spotlight at the World Economic Forum's Sustainable Development Impact Meetings in New York. Here's what you need to know.
The Sustainable Development Impact Meetings (SDIM) take place 23-27 September at the World Economic Forum - to drive action towards achieving the SDGs.
In two years, 99 companies have made more than 100 commitments to decarbonize heavy industry. Here’s what you need to know about the First Movers Coalition.
「ホームレスに対する理解を深め、ホームレスをなくすことは可能だという楽観的な見方を喚起する」ことを目的とした展覧会が英国のロンドンで開催。 世界中の人々が様々な形態及び理由でホームレス状態にあり、5人に1人以上が居住に適さない住宅に住んでいると推定されています。 世界経済フォーラムのレポート、「アフォーダビリティの再構築:包摂的かつ住みやすい都市を実現するための介入策...
Necesitamos eliminar unos 10 000 millones de toneladas de CO2 al año para combatir la crisis climática. He aquí cómo la captura y utilización de carbono puede ayudarnos a conseguirlo.