‘Reimagining growth' was a major theme of the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting 2025 in Davos. Here are some key related quotes & insights on economic growth.
Productivity has ground to a “virtual standstill,” according to the World Economic Forum and Accenture. Here are four potential future scenarios for this vital measure of economic health.
Casi siete de cada diez esperan que el crecimiento global vuelva al 4% en los próximos cinco años.
The near-term outlook for the global economy is looking brighter, according to the latest Chief Economists Outlook. "The developing economic mood is one of cautious optimism," the report ...
Las opiniones están divididas sobre si la economía mundial se debilitará o se fortalecerá a lo largo del año, según el último informe Perspectivas de los Economistas Jefe.
Opinion is split on whether the global economy will weaken or strengthen in the coming year, according to the latest Chief Economists Outlook.
Es probable que la economía mundial se debilite el año que viene, según el 60 % de los encuestados en el último informe Perspectivas de los Economistas Jefe del Foro Económico Mundial.
世界经济论坛最新一期《首席经济学家展望》报告显示,61%的受访经济学家认为未来一年全球经济可能会出现疲软;大多数首席经济学家(86%)对未来全球通胀飙升态势的缓解持乐观态度;同时,经济学家发出警告,不好的经济前景可能会破坏国家在发展方面取得的进展。 74%的人认为地缘政治紧张局势也会产生同样的影响。
The global economy is likely to weaken in the coming year, according to 60% of respondents in the World Economic Forum’s latest Chief Economists Outlook.
Following the publication of the Chief Economists Outlook, January 2023, we ask 3 chief economists how businesses can navigate the turbulent economy.
Following the publication of the Chief Economists' outlook at Davos 2023, we ask 3 chief economists whether inflation can be beaten without a recession.
Inflation and supply chain issues could choke off global growth, with a recession possible, geopolitics may have a major impact on where it hits hardest