A face in the crowd: why facial recognition doesn't work like in the movies
Facial recognition systems are still not 100% accurate.
I am a Lecturer in psychology at the University of Lincoln. Prior to taking up this post, I was a postdoc York and Aberdeen for around 4 years, working on face recognition projects. I also worked in the Face Lab at the University of Western Australia for four months at the end of my postdoc.
I work on face perception. My research interests span three areas:
1. Face recognition and face learning
2. Social information conveyed in faces
3. How faces modulate visual attention and awareness
My main research focus is on how humans and computers learn to recognise and identify new people. I use cognitive behavioural experiments to test human face learning and identification, and computational techniques to test computer face identification. I am interested in face identification in forensic settings such as the use of photo-ID in security settings such as passport control, and the identification of criminal suspects from sources such as CCTV footage.