3 ways coronavirus will test global solidarity
Kemal Dervis looks at the impact of coronavirus on global solidarity and how our actions now are set to influence the world into the future.
Kemal Derviş, former Minister of Economic Affairs of Turkey and former Administrator for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), is a vice president of the Brookings Institution.
Kemal Dervis looks at the impact of coronavirus on global solidarity and how our actions now are set to influence the world into the future.
Carbon border tax can help global sustainability efforts. However, it is vital that policymakers avoid creating conflict by tackling distributional issues.
Democratic governments face two main challenges in trying to revive their post-World War II social contracts. They must ensure a strong and efficient social safety net for the digital age...
Kemal Derviş looks at the current world order and whether multilateralism will survive.
Next year's European Parliament elections could shape the future of politics in the region, says Kemal Derviş.
Kemal Derviş looks at whether technology can drive economic growth.
Economic growth in developed and developing countries appears to be synchronizing. But can it continue?
No debería esperarse que las nuevas tecnologías frenen la convergencia, aun si la desaceleran, como es probable que suceda.
Kemal Derviş and Zia Qureshi argue that failure to tackle inequality will have significant ramifications - even if economic headlines look positive.
Diseñar soluciones debería ser una alta prioridad y el debate político debería centrarse en medidas que ayuden a crear economías verdaderamente inclusivas.
Si les bénéfices de la croissance rapide se dirigent vers les 5% ou 1% les plus riches, les tensions sociales augmenteront inévitablement.
Certains estiment qu'une hausse des taux d'intérêt pourrait déclencher une nouvelle crise mondiale.
Rising income inequality, exacerbated by the mismatch between skills and jobs in the digital age, will become a significant impediment to growth.
Según Dani Rodrik, economista de Harvard, es imposible tener de manera simultánea y plena soberanía nacional, democracia y globalización. El concepto de “trilema político de la economía ...
Hay tres caminos opcionales, pero parece poco probable que ella haga grandes esfuerzos dirigidos a una rápida obtención de ambiciosos objetivos de integración para toda la UE.