What the world can do to solve the Afghan refugee crisis
It would be a mistake to allow the relative success of the evacuation to distract attention from the far greater demands of displaced Afghans.
Executive Director, Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund (GCERF). Chair, Board of Trustees, Raleigh International. Professor in Conflict, Peace and Security, University of Maastricht. Editor, Journal of Refugee Studies.
It would be a mistake to allow the relative success of the evacuation to distract attention from the far greater demands of displaced Afghans.
The amount of funding available to push back against violent extremism is shrinking - but smarter investment can help NGOs make a bigger impact. Here's how.
How has the debate around migration changed in the last 10 years and how will it continue to develop over the next decade? What are the new technologies impacting immigrants and refugees?
The Fourth Industrial Revolution is unfolding at a time when human mobility is increasing and, in many instances, becoming more precarious.
En un contexto cada vez más tenso, debemos insistir en los beneficios comerciales de la migración sin miedo ni sesgo.
本文是2017年世界经济论坛年会的一部分。 有证据表明,移民对接收国的公民个人,经济发展和社区建设都有好处。 在适当的条件下,移民可以帮助接收国改善生活条件,促进经济增长与发展,并增强社会与文化活力。 现在,我们所面临的挑战是,要想塑造出适当的条件,就需要相应的投资; 但面对当前的“地缘经济”条件(裁员、短缩的选举周期、强大的反移民政治、充满怀疑的大众),政府想要推动...
A warts-and-all overview of refugee flows, what they mean for countries and how the current international system has failed.
Four reasons we all benefit from well managed migration.
Si 2015 fue el año de la crisis para los refugiados y 2016 el año de las contradicciones, entonces 2017 debe ser el año de las certezas. Los refugiados necesitan tener garantizado su dere...
Fewer new arrivals but more deaths, negative rhetoric but positive action – how has Europe's refugee crisis evolved since this time last year?
From ordinary Canadians supporting refugees to companies like LinkedIn helping with recruitment, we need more public-private partnerships on migration.
Además de las repercusiones en la economía y el desarrollo, los migrantes también generan la diversidad en la que prosperan las sociedades multiculturales, las ciudades globales y la cult...
The evidence is clear: migrants employ more people than they put out of work, pay more into the welfare system than they take out, and create new markets for industry.
As the current migration and refugee crisis has unfolded, one question has frequently been asked: why don’t refugees just stay in Turkey or Greece?
Jan O Karlsson, the former Swedish minister for Migration and Development, passed away this week.