This ultra-thin material could help millions see again
A team of researchers has used graphene to create artificial retinas.
A team of researchers has used graphene to create artificial retinas.
Director Tony Kaye has announced plans to cast a robot in '2nd Born'.
Tthe Sulawesi reefs is actually in better condition in 2018 than 2014, and is an encouraging sign in the fight to save coral reefs.
QT robot uses facial expressions and speech to help children with autism understand social interaction.
US soldiers serving overseas will be able to use a blockchain voting app for the first time.
Bring To Light is the first game to use biometric readings to affect the gaming experience.
New research explores how we react when robots show emotion - and when they don't.
Dactyl is an AI system trained to control a robotic hand.
The "Biometric Mirror" is designed to show our effect on technology.
DebuggingTypically, engineers want to get bugs out of their creations. Not so for the U.K. engineering firm (not the famed carmaker) Rolls-Royce — it’s looking for a way to get bugs into ...
Despite machines becoming more intelligent, reasoning tests show that AI still has a long way to go to gain general intelligence.
Seattle has banned plastic straws and utensils in an attempt to tackle plastic pollution.
OpenAI Five beat five amateur players at Dota 2, and will soon face off against professionals.
The place could theoretically travel at Mach 5 - that's 3,800 mph - but is still several decades away.
Researchers from John Hopkins University have created an electronic dermis to slip over prosthetics.