Take the Meritocracy Stress Test to find out the truth about diversity in your company
Your company might claim to be in favour of inclusion and equality, but how does that stack up in reality? Take this simple test to find out.
Background spanning corporate, government and civil society roles; brings a multi stakeholder approach and broad perspective of the role of business in promoting an inclusive society both internally and in the broader community. With 16 years of experience advising diversity at Goldman Sachs, as well as extensive background in leadership as the Secretary-General of the Council of Women World Leaders, she is an expert on the importance of inclusion and diversity in the workplace. Author of “The Loudest Duck”, and "The Elephant and the Mouse" (Wiley) on how to ensure a fair and level playing field for anyone working to create a diverse, equitable and inclusive organization.
Your company might claim to be in favour of inclusion and equality, but how does that stack up in reality? Take this simple test to find out.
When we emerge from the COVID-19 crisis, we will need the greatest possible variety of perspective and experience to rebuild a better working environment
The financial benefits of better representation at board and workplace level have been proven, but what are the consequences of overlooking it?
Women depend upon the ocean for the livelihoods just as much as men, yet their voices are not heard loudly enough when it comes to solving the crises facing our seas. It's time to change ...
As the world backslides on the gender gap, women must clamour for progress louder than ever, writes the Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders.
根据世界经济论坛2016年《全球性别差距报告》估计,实现全球性别平等可能还要再等上170余年。之前预计期限是80年,后来又增加到120年,时间不断地延后。世界经济论坛《全球性别差距报告》(Annual Gender Gap Report)显示,全球许多国家在性别平等进程发展缓慢、变化甚微。这种现象在航空业被称为“迟滞性延误”,而其背后的原因究竟是什么呢?
Women's equality is still 170 years away. Why the delay? The answer may lie in unconscious bias, says the head of the Council of Women World Leaders.
Hard-won progress in women's equality appears to be going backwards. So why do so many women support a return to the Dark Ages?
这本该是历史性的一天:美国人民可以选出美国历史上第一位女总统,从而在女性赋权方面追赶上世界上的其他国家。 结果,美国的“追赶”需要推迟一段时间。根据世界经济论坛2016年的性别差异报告,美国在女性的“政治赋权”方面,排在全球143个国家的第73位。 美国在这个榜单的位置正在慢慢下降,不是因为它在选举妇女方面做的越来越差,而是因为其他国家正在变得越来越好。今天,世界女性...
When it comes to female political empowerment, the US doesn't perform that well. Laura Liswood, of the Council of Women World Leaders, asks why.