BA in Economics; BA in East Asian Languages and Literature; JD; LLM in International Legal Studies; PhD, University of St Gallen. With World Economic Forum: 2001-02, Director, Annual Meeting Programme, New York; 2004-08, Senior Director for Asia; currently, Head of Global Programming; since 2009, Managing Director and since 2011, Member of the Managing Board, responsible for the Annual Meeting in Davos, Annual Meeting of the New Champions in China and Annual Meeting of the Global Future Councils in the UAE; Editor-in-Chief, Global Risks Report (7th and 8th editions). Formerly Fellow, Center for Strategic and International Studies; Deputy Director, Japan Society; Consultant to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees; and Senior Policy Adviser, USAID. Currently also serving as Member, Board of Trustees, EAT Foundation and Lecturer, University of St. Gallen (CEMS) .
What's the role of expertise in democracies and how should science inform political decisions?
Les dirigeants doivent éviter d'examiner les risques de manière isolée et adopter plutôt la mentalité de la pensée systémique, en s'appuyant sur un processus à plusieurs niveaux pour déte...
Los dirigentes deben evitar examinar los riesgos de forma aislada y adoptar en su lugar la mentalidad del pensamiento sistémico, basándose en un proceso de múltiples capas para determinar...
Leaders must avoid examining risks in isolation and instead adopt the mindset of systems thinking, relying on a multi-layered process to determine risks.
What kind of leader combines great ambition with genuine selflessness and a strong desire for meaningful collaboration - and where do we find them?
Our belief in the conspiracy of globalism has finally died. The real focus now shifts to globalization in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
It's a decade since the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the key lesson to learn is that technology should be designed and used to empower people, not to replace them.
If complexity is at the root of a fractured world, then what can leaders do to change this?
Lee Howell, member of the World Economic Forum's Managing Board, calls for a shared narrative of global cooperation in the face of a US-led emphasis of national sovereignty.
How to identify risk versus uncertainty and deal with the damage caused by hindsight, as we face global change in 2017
Leadership is about working together to shape the future. And that future will be defined by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, writes Lee Howell.