COVID-19: How multilateral development banks can lead through a crisis
The role of the BRICS New Development Bank during Covid-19 has validated the original rationale to create a new multilateral development bank. What are its main achievements?
The role of the BRICS New Development Bank during Covid-19 has validated the original rationale to create a new multilateral development bank. What are its main achievements?
With a booming loan book and high credit ratings, the BRICS countries have built a development bank they can be proud of. But what challenges lie ahead?
2015年7月,金砖国家新开发银行行长KV Kamath先生与来自另外四个金砖国家的副行长齐聚上海。此次会议的任务是从零开始设立一个崭新的多边开发银行。他们来的时候虽然得到了各自国家的支持,但手中的预算却捉襟见肘。至今我仍记得当初这则新闻是多么“骇人听闻”。从我位于陆家嘴金融区的办公室的窗户望出去,就能看到这栋承载了数百家金融机构的摩天大楼——它也正是上海飞速发展、成为国...
Two years on from its creation, the BRICS Development Bank has firmly graduated out of its start-up phase.