As California considers a four-day workweek, experts ask if it's a good idea
Lawmakers in California have introduced a state assembly bill to set four-day workweek with no reduction in income
Lila MacLellan is a reporter for Quartz in New York. She has a special interest in unusual things people do with their bodies and money. She is also obsessed with social psychology, and Japan, where she lived for three years before becoming a journalist. Lila has worked as an editor and writer at Natural Health and Institutional Investor magazines in New York, and at Western Living and Vancouver magazines in British Columbia.
Lawmakers in California have introduced a state assembly bill to set four-day workweek with no reduction in income
As pandemic restrictions are lifting, a recent survey has found that 22% of participants are looking for a new employer, but many will stay for better pay.
There are a growing number of CEOs experimenting with the metaverse as a workplace, as remote working continues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The UN Framework Convention on Climate Change is describing the 2015 Paris Agreement as a “legally binding international treaty on climate change”.
There is concern among academics, businesses and workers, that hybrid working may be detrimental to inclusivity in the business, by excluding mothers.
A virtual commute - when you take walks, bicycle rides, or drives to nowhere in particular - can be an effective way to prepare for the day ahead and wind down from your day at work.
Following a prolonged period of remote working, many companies are asking employees to return to the office, but is it safe?
New research shows that hiring refugees have higher rates of job retention than other employees. Check out what else the report says about hiring refugees.
Handshaking is an efficient way to spread germs, since we touch our faces multiple times every hour. But with COVID-19 coronavirus spreading rapidly, here's how to avoid shaking hands wit...
在美国等国家,资金雄厚的雇主试图利用带薪休假来吸引最优秀最具活力的员工,包括不同时长的育儿假或丧假、放假照顾上了年纪的父母,以及少数大公司会提供个人公休假。 企业往往凭借这些福利来显示自己是一家包容性强、体恤各年龄各岗位员工的企业,这是值得赞赏的。
As well as dropping gendered terms like maternity and paternity leave, companies might be better off creating one policy for everyone - a reason-blind paid leave option for all employees.
These are the workplace benefits that employees in America want the most, according to new research.
A coalition of activists, linguists, ad makers, and sound engineers has created a genderless AI voice for virtual assistants.
To succeed as a leader, you need to be clear, enthusiastic and create space where there is none, says the head of Microsoft Satya Nadella.
Jim Yong Kim discusses how he got his job from former US President Barack Obama.