What are the issues facing refugee resettlement?
Contrary to the right of asylum, refugee resettlement is not codified in international law. What steps should we take to better protect some of the world's most vulnerable people?
Liliana Jubilut is a Professor of International Law, Human Rights and Refugee Law, Universidade Católica de Santos. She holds a PhD and a Master in International Law by Universidade de São Paulo and an LLM in International Legal Studies by NYU School of Law. She was a Visiting Scholar at Columbia Law School and a Visiting Fellow at the Refugee Law Initiative (University of London). Currently, she coordinates the Research Group “Direitos Humanos e Vulnerabilidades” and the UNHCR Sérgio Vieira de Mello Chair at Universidade Católica de Santos. She has been working with refugee issues since 1999, and has been a Lawyer/ Protection Officer at the Refugee Reference Center of Caritas Arquidiocesana de São Paulo and a UNHCR-Brazil Consultant. She participates in several national and international research projects and is a Member of IOM´s Migration Research Leaders Syndicate.
Contrary to the right of asylum, refugee resettlement is not codified in international law. What steps should we take to better protect some of the world's most vulnerable people?
The compacts are twin initiatives and tackle different aspects of the same phenomenon: human mobility.
The current rhetoric of a “refugee crisis” underscores, in reality, a lack of political will to protect refugees. This must change.