Lyudmila (Luda) Bujoreanu is a ICT Policy Specialist and development professional who has worked in more than 15 countries on projects funded by the World Bank, IFC, UNDP, U.S. Trade Development Agency and USAID. Most of her experience is in the area of ICT/e-Government and telecom, with the recent focus on Open Data and ICT-enabled citizen engagement.
Over the years, she has also been involved in other non ICT sectors such as health, education and agriculture. She joined the World Bank in late 2009, after spending most of her career in private sector consulting. Since then, she has worked on World Bank’s lending operations and technical assistance in Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Moldova. She has an MPA (2001) degree from Indiana University and an MBA (1999) degree from Tashkent University of World Economy and Diplomacy. She lives in Alexandria, Virginia with her husband and two school-aged daughters.